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Early Stage Investigators

Eligibility: Tenure-track assistant professors. Contact the Division Program Officer regarding research topic. Deadline: End of July (check division for dates)

NIH Early State Investigator Policies
Eligibility: New Investigators who are within 10 years of completing their terminal research degree and have not been awarded one of the larger NIH grants (see website for excluded grants). Applications from ESIs will be given special consideration during peer review and at the time of funding. Peer reviewers will be instructed to focus more on the proposed approach than on the track record, and to expect less preliminary data than would be provided by an established investigator.
RO1 Deadlines: Feb. 5, June 5, Oct. 5

American Council of Learned Societies, Charles A. Ryskamp Research Fellowships
Eligibility: Advanced assistant professors and untenured associate professors in the humanities and related social sciences.
Deadline: Sept. 28

American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Eligibility: The purpose of the Visiting Scholars Program is to support the work of postdocs and tenure-track public policy analysts, humanists, and social scientists who show promise of becoming leaders in their field, especially those who work on multidisciplinary topics. The Academy seeks proposals that relate to its primary research areas: humanities and culture, social policy and American institutions, science and global security, and education. Projects that address American cultural, scientific, social or public policy issues from the founding period to the present are welcome.
Deadline: Oct. 15

Topic specific opportunities for early stage investigators


Wenner-Gren Foundation Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships
Eligibility: Scholars awarded a Ph.D. no more than 10 years from the application date. The Fellowship supports the writing-up of already completed research. Scholars do not have to be in an anthropology department but must be able to demonstrate the project’s contributions to theoretical anthropology.
Deadline: May 1 and Nov. 1

Crime and Justice

NIJ W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship
Eligibility: Tenure-track scholars. NIJ strongly encourages applicants with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. The Fellowship emphasizes crime, violence, and the administration of justice in diverse cultural contexts within the United States.
Deadline: March 22

ASA/BJS Small Grants Research Program for Analysis of Crime and Justice Data
This program is designed to encourage the creative and appropriate use of these data to inform substantive and/or methodological issues. Other than these criteria, there are no restrictions placed on the topic of a submission. Dissertation research may qualify for these funds and young investigators are encouraged to apply.
Deadline: Feb. 18


Russell Sage Small Grants Program in Behavioral Economics
Eligibility: The Small Grants Program ($7500 maximum) encourages young investigators to pursue work in the developing field of behavioral economics. Applicants must be advanced doctoral students or tenure-track faculty members who have been out of graduate school for two or fewer years.
Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis

Resources for the Future, John V. Krutilla Research Stipend
Eligibility: Scholars who have been awarded a doctoral degree in the past five years. The focus of the award is research related to environmental and resource economics.
Deadline: Feb. 18


The National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Eligibility: Supports early career scholars working in critical areas of education research. Deadline: Nov. 4

Foreign Policy

Smith Richardson Foundation International Security and Foreign Policy Program Junior Faculty Research Grant Program
Eligibility: Applicants must have a Ph.D., preferably in Political Science, Public Policy, Policy Analysis, International Political Economy, or History and hold a position as a full-time tenure-track faculty member.


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholars in Health Policy Research
The program develops and supports a new generation of creative health policy thinkers and researchers within the disciplines of economics, political science and sociology.
Eligibility: Applicants must have received a doctoral degree after January 1, 2007, but no later than July 2012. Preference is given to applicants who have not previously worked extensively in health or health policy research.
Deadline: Oct. 12


NSF International Research Fellowship Program
Eligibility: Awarded Ph.D. within two years of the application deadline or expect to receive the doctoral degree by the start of the project. Applicants who are permanent residents of the United States may not request a host site in their country of origin.
Deadline: Second Tuesday in September

Council of American Overseas Research Centers
The CAORC Multi-Country Fellowship Program supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for U.S. doctoral candidates and scholars at any career stage who have already earned their Ph.D. Scholars must carry out research in two or more countries outside the United States, at least one of which hosts a participating American overseas research center. Deadline: Jan. 15

Poverty and Inequality

Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality
New Scholars Grant Competition for Research on Trends in Poverty and Inequality
Supports research on key trends in poverty and inequality for five proposals with a maximum award of $20,000. For the 2012-13 competition, scholars must have received their Ph.D. no earlier than 2005. Deadline: Oct. 25


American Association of University Women, Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowships
Eligibility: Fellowship provides one-year of support for women in tenure-track faculty positions in support of their earning tenure and further promotions. Postdoctoral fellowships are available in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
Deadline: Nov. 15

American Association of University Women, Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grants
Eligibility: Provides tenure-track, part-time or temporary women faculty funding to prepare research for publication
Deadline: Nov. 15


Foundation for Child Development Young Scholars Program
Eligibility: Tenure-track faculty or faculty who have received tenure within the past four years. The program seeks to support a new generation of scholars conducting research on the development of children in immigrant families from birth to age ten, particularly those who are living in low-income families. Deadline: Nov. 2

William T. Grant Scholars Program
Eligibility: Researchers in the social, behavioral, or health sciences who have received their terminal degree within seven years of submitting their application. The Grant Foundation supports research to understand and improve the everyday settings of youth ages 8 to 25 in the United States.
Deadline: July 6